Real Food Encyclopedia | Watercress

A staple in ancient times, watercress (Nasturtium officinale) was enjoyed by the Romans to prevent baldness and the Pharaohs to increase vigor; in Crete, the leafy greens were thought to be an aphrodisiac. Though it is sometimes referred to as a superfood, watercress is much more popular in England than it is in the United States. It frequently turns up in gourmet preparations, but watercress is also commonly foraged and was long considered a “poor man’s” food.

Commercial production methods were developed by market gardeners outside London in the 19th century. The demand for watercress continued through World War II, when people were encouraged to grow and forage as much of their own food as possible. But after that, the English somewhat lost their taste for the green, perhaps because, like the rutabaga, another staple food of wartime, it reminded them of sad days. Watercress was relegated to the category of garnish.

Lately, though, its nutritional value and crunchy pep have pulled watercress back into favor. It packs so much punch that it has been grown commercially in the U.S. to be included in health drinks and supplements.

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Did you know?

  • In addition to watercress, there are two other main cress varities: garden cress (Lepidium sativum) and upland cress (Barbarea verna). Another plant, Ipomoea aquatica, is known as water spinach.
  • Watercress is a member of the mustard family; the pungent, spicy, peppery taste of this vegetable and many of its relatives is actually a defense mechanism, activated by the mechanical action of chewing.

What to look for when buying watercress

When shopping for watercress, look for emerald green leaves without a lot of yellowing. Mature plants go to flower, casting off white-petaled blooms; at this point, the greens are no longer palatable.

Sustainability of watercress

In the U.S., wild watercress is listed by 46 states as noxious and invasive. It grows so thickly and rapidly that it often chokes out native plants in the streams where it thrives.

Cultivated watercress, however, is easy to grow and is not susceptible to many pests or diseases. The controlled conditions of watercress production and its general resistance to illness and infestation make it a popular crop to raise organically.


Watercress is found throughout North America, where it grows wild in running streams. Its aquatic nature makes watercress a favorite among hydroponic growers, where the plants thrive in these water-based growing conditions. Home gardeners often take advantage of naturally damp areas, such as at the base of their hose spigot or under a waterspout, to plant their cress.

Seasonal Food Guide

Find Out When Watercress Is in Season


Wild watercress has a limited season from late spring through early summer. Hydroponically grown plants can be cultivated year-round.

Eating watercress


Watercress is a delicate green that wilts quickly. It is often sold with its roots intact to preserve as much moisture in the plant as possible. When bringing cress home, you can store it “potted” in a mug filled with an inch or so of water and draped with a reusable plastic bag or damp paper towel.

Cooking with Less Waste


Plants collected from the wild should be washed very carefully prior to consumption to avoid accidental ingestion of microscopic parasites, such as Giardia, that may be present in untreated water.

Once clean, watercress is easy to toss into a salad or layer into a sandwich. It’s a natural match for rich dishes to cut the fat while also taking the edge off the peppery flavor. Try swapping watercress for the “L” in your BLT or serving it alongside broiled wild salmon.


Two cups of watercress contains 1.6 grams of protein, 212 percent of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin K, nearly half your daily intake of Vitamins C and A, as well as calcium, manganese, potassium, Vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, Vitamin B6, magnesium and phosphorous.

Top photo by Brent Hofacker/Adobe Stock.