Real Food Encyclopedia | Ground Cherries

Ground cherries, a number of related species in the genus Physalis, are native to North and South America, but remain relatively obscure compared to many non-native fruits. With their papery husks, they look like their relative the tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica), but they are small and orange, with a unique flavor: sweet, tart and vaguely tropical.

There are a few different species in cultivation. The ground cherries you will see most often are Physalis peruviana, available in many grocery stores and sometimes called Peruvian ground cherries, Cape gooseberries or golden berries, and Physalis pruinosa, also called husk cherries or husk tomatoes, which can be found in farmers’ markets.

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Did you know?

  • The Hawaiʻian name for the Physalis peruviana fruit is poha (or poha berry). The plant was introduced to the islands in the early part of the 19th century and has since become naturalized in some areas, but is considered an invasive threat to native species.
  • Several types of wild ground cherries native to the Central Plains of the U.S. are considered weeds, but are also sometimes foraged or cultivated.

What to look for when buying ground cherries

Ground cherries are generally sold in their husks, which should be papery and tan or straw-colored (much like a tomatillo husk). The fruit inside is often covered with a slightly sticky substance, which should be washed off before eating.

Sustainability of ground cherries

Ground cherries are grown on a very limited scale in the U.S. However, they are impacted by the same types of pests as tomatoes and tomatillos, so growers may use chemicals to control outbreaks of insects or diseases. The husk generally keeps the fruit safe from chemical residue, but you can ask the grower about their chemical use if you’re buying ground cherries at the farmers’ market.

Seasonal Food Guide

Find Out When Ground Cherries Are in Season


In the U.S., ground cherries have a fleeting moment of seasonality in the mid-to-late summer and early fall — after that, they’re gone until the next year. The ground cherries available in U.S. supermarkets are often imported from the Southern Hemisphere.


Most species of Physalis are annuals in temperate areas, but perennials in tropical regions. Outside of the Americas, Physalis peruviana is also commercially cultivated in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Eating ground cherries


Kept in their papery husks, the fruit will keep in the refrigerator for up to ten days. Ensure ground cherries remain as dry as possible; moisture speeds up the fruit’s decay.


Ground cherries are excellent on their own (after getting them out of the inedible husk, that is!) or as a topping for cereal, ice cream and yogurt. They also make for unique baked goods, like ground cherry crumble or ground cherry clafoutis. While you are more likely to find ground cherries in dessert recipes, the fruit also excels in savory dishes; they go especially well with goat cheese, nuts and hearty grains like farro. Try them halved or quartered and tossed into a salad, like this ground cherry panzanella.


Ground cherries freeze well: Remove the husk, rinse the fruit and dry, then stick them on a cookie sheet and freeze until solid before transferring to a freezer-proof container or zip-top bag. They also make fantastic jam.

Nutrition and health

Ground cherries are a good source of Vitamin C and could be considered a good source of antioxidants

All fruits in the Physalis genus are toxic when unripe, and can even be fatal if ingested in large amounts. The husks, leaves, and stems are also toxic, making the plants a danger to pets and livestock.


Top photo by Dessie / Adobe Stock.