Real Food Encyclopedia | Dates

The history and symbolism of dates traces back for thousands of years, nearly to the beginning of history. Remains of dates have been found back as far as the Neolithic period; there is evidence that they were gathered by people up to eight thousand years ago. The date palm is integral to desert life. So much so, it is considered the “tree of life” for its ability to provide the necessary elements of survival — food, drink and shelter. All aspects of the plant can be utilized. Even the plant’s shade provides respite for man, beast and crops that would otherwise wither in the punishing desert sun. Without it, civilization would not have been established in the unforgiving regions of the desert that would be completely uninhabitable without this miracle fruit.

Dates came to the United States as part of a mission sponsored by the Department of Agriculture in 1898, which solicited men to travel the world to obtain new food crops to establish in America. In the early to mid-1900s, nursery owners planted thousands of date palms throughout the Coachella Valley of California, known as the American Sahara. Today, southern California remains the leading producer in domestic dates but produces only a fraction of the world’s supply, which is predominately grown in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

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Did you know?

  • One date palm typically produces 100 pounds of fruit, a prolific tree can yield two or three times as much.
  • Dates’ indefinite shelf life, high-density nutrition and portability makes the food imperative to nomadic tribes such as the Bedouin who serve guests the dried fruit along with coffee to refresh them from their journey.
  • The scientific name of the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera, refers to its ability to rise out of the searing heat of the desert like its mythological namesake bird the phoenix that rises from the ashes to live again.

What to look for when buying dates

There are numerous varieties of dates that range in size from small and round to as plump and long as your thumb. The color of ripe dates ranges anywhere from golden-yellow, amber, bright red to deep-brown depending on the cultivar type. Dried dates vary in color from amber to very dark brown. They have a thin, crinkly skin, pulpy flesh and a single seed in the middle of each fruit. All dates can be classified into one of three groups: soft, semi-dry and dry.

Soft dates are varieties that can be eaten fresh or dried. Fresh dates can be tricky to find outside of the Middle East; your best bet is to seek out local farmers’ markets in the fruit’s arid growing regions. Barhi are among the softest and sweetest of all dates and can be eaten out of hand. Medjool is another soft date variety that is enjoyed dried and is the most popular date in the United States.

Semi-dry are the most common dried date. They are soft, chewy and sweet. Popular varieties include the Deglet Noor — which is the most widely grown variety in the world. The name means “Date of Light” and the amber color is translucent when held to a light.

Dry varieties of dates are tough and fibrous when fresh and even more so when dried. Their sturdy character, however, make them a necessity for nomadic tribes who pack them for long treks to feed both rider and animal. Thoory is a widely eaten dry date, also called a “bread” date because its dry texture can be ground into flour.

Sustainability of dates


Dates are often fumigated after harvest to eliminate contamination by pests. At one time methyl bromide was used, but it was prohibited (and ordered to phase out) in 2015 due to concerns about ozone depletion. Organic fumigation methods include treating the fruit with carbon dioxide, storing them briefly in a low-oxygen environment, heating the fruit or freezing it.

The Environmental Working Group rates the dried fruits that they have tested as low concern food (as low as 1.5 for on a scale of 1-10), meaning that the combined pesticide levels, nutritional values and production methods used raise relatively few red flags.

Water use

Date palms are extremely drought tolerant. Their roots are expert at seeking out underground sources of water. The plants have been known to survive for several years without a single rainfall. However, a plant denied of water will not produce fruit. They can also withstand water-logged conditions as long as the water is aerated, such as by a running stream. Date palms can also tolerate a high level of salinity in the soil and do well seaside.


Dates like to soak up all of the heat of summer and are fully ripe at the end of it. In California, that means that they are harvested in September, October and November, after the region’s hottest days have passed.

Seasonal Food Guide

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Eating dates


Dates contain up to 80 percent sugar when dried which preserves the fruit indefinitely. Keep dates in an airtight container to prevent spoilage due to humidity or pest infestation.


Although most often grown for its fruit, many parts of the date palm are edible.  The heart of the date palm tree is tender and succulent. The young leaves can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The stones of the fruit can be ground and made into cakes for animal feed.

The wood, though soft, can be used in building. The leaves make good thatching for roofs and can be woven into baskets and mats.

The date fruit itself can, in some varieties, be eaten fresh but is most often dried. It can also be made into paste, sugar, jam, juice, syrup, vinegar and alcohol. Dry varieties of the fruit can be ground into flour.


Most varieties of dates are dried. The process can be as simple as laying them out on a tarp in a single layer to dry in the sun or through the use of a dehydrator.

Nutrition and health

Dates are an excellent source of fiber. They are also a good source of potassium and Vitamin A. They are also high in sugar, with 66.5 grams per cup.

Top photo by abstractjesse/Twenty20.