Regenerative Organic Certified Bronze: Produce

This label is an add-on to the USDA Organic label with additional stipulations for environmental quality, animal welfare and worker welfare. To earn the certification, farms with the ROC Bronze certification must initially manage at least 10 percent of all farmland in accordance with the ROC standards and earn 10 percent of their revenue from products that meet the standards. Within 5 years of earning ROC Bronze certification, 50 percent of the farm must be managed in accordance with ROC Silver Standards.

Requires Verification/Inspection

FoodPrint Label Criteria

Crop Production

Produced without industrial pesticides
Synthetic fertilizers or sewage sludge prohibited
GMOs prohibited
Antibiotics prohibited on crops
Biodiversity required
Soil health monitored/measured for improvement over time (soil biome, carbon sequestration, etc)
Requires accounting or modeling of carbon emissions and sequestration

Worker Welfare

Standards and protections for workers on farm
Fair/living wages ensured*
Health care insurance ensured
*Operations that cannot pay a living wage must communicate why they cannot and have a plan in place to progress to paying a living wage
Food Label Glossary

For explanations of some of these technical terms, like “rotational grazing” or “sewage sludge fertilizers,” please visit our glossary.

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