Soil health is the most important foundation of a healthy farm ecosystem. Yet most of the common farming techniques employed in industrial crop production, such as synthetic fertilizer application and monocropping, can degrade soil over time, causing a cascade of problems necessitating the use of even more man-made inputs, which in turn contribute to climate change. Sustainable and regenerative agriculture seeks to ameliorate soil health, sequestering carbon, storing water and building healthier farm ecosystems along the way.


Dig deeper into the basics of soil and why it's important

What Is Soil?

Soil forms the surface of the Earth. It is made up of various mixtures (depending on where one lives) of minerals, water, air and organic material (including microbes and other organisms).1

Soil is not static: its composition is changeable, based on the weather, which organisms constitute it, which plants grow in it, and more.2 Soil, like air and water, is also vulnerable to pollution and can be damaged by industrial farming practices. Soil can also be amended through sustainable practices, like applying compost.

Soils are often thought of as “living” because so many different types of organisms are alive in them, from bacteria to fungi to earthworms. In fact, one teaspoon of healthy soil can contain as many as one billion bacteria, plus fungi, protozoa and nematodes.3 Healthy organisms in soil — both large (e.g., earthworms) and small (e.g., bacteria) — are important, because they perform many functions, from aeration, to creating pockets in the soil for water, to breaking down organic material and making nutrients available for plants.4

While soil is technically a renewable resource, it can take (pending the climate) between 100 and 1,000 years to develop — and this formation is so slow, that scientists apply the term “limited” to it, because although it is a natural resource, it is vulnerable to degradation.5

The Impact of Industrial Agriculture on Soil Health

Industrial agriculture negatively affects soil health and the atmosphere, by reducing organic matter and releasing carbon.

The Effect of Monocropping on Soil Health

Monocropping is the practice of growing the same crop on the same plot of land, year after year. This practice depletes the soil of nutrients (making the soil less productive over time), reduces organic matter in soil and can cause significant erosion.7

Monocropping, or even the “simple” crop rotation mentioned above, causes a cascade of problems, necessitating not only the use of synthetic fertilizers (because soil becomes depleted), but also the use of pesticides to control pests, like soil fungi, insects and other agricultural nuisances. Fields that include a diversity of crops (polyculture) are less attractive to insect predators.8

Soil scientists have also discovered that monocropping alters the microbial landscape of soil, decreasing beneficial microbes and causing poor plant growth over time.12 Some types of nitrogen fertilizer can cause soil acidification, which can affect plant growth.14

Pesticide Residues in Soil

Pesticides are chemicals that are used to control weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides) and fungi (fungicides) in food, fiber and wood production.

Pesticide residues in soil, and their lasting presence in the soil over time, are greatly influenced by both the soil type and composition, as well as by the pesticide type.15 Depending on the pesticide type, application quantity, soil quality and the environment, some pesticides may be broken down by microbial action in the soil or by other chemical reactions, while others can accumulate in soil. (It is important to note, however, that some pesticides’ metabolites [breakdown products] are more toxic than the “parent” pesticide.)16

Read our report The FoodPrint of Crops

Some studies show that glyphosate (also known as RoundUp) decreases microbial biodiversity in soil; other studies show this chemical’s adverse effects on earthworms.17 Other types of pesticides may have similar effects on soil microbiology, impacting nitrogen-fixing microbes important to soil health and fertility.18

Soil fumigants are a type of pesticide designed to kill organisms in the soil before farmers start to plant. Fumigants kill nearly all soil organisms — not just the harmful ones — including beneficial bacteria, fungi and other organisms that help maintain healthy soils. (In addition to killing soil organisms, many of these soil fumigants are toxic to human health and can escape into the environment after application. Read more in the FoodPrint of Crop Production report.) In some cases, as in the production of grapes, fumigants accumulate in soils, often at levels beyond legal limits, also affecting soil microbial health and earthworms, both of which are vitally important to soil health and fertility.20

Factory Farm Waste Contaminates Soils

Animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), also known as factory farms, spread on agricultural fields can contain harmful microbes and antibiotic and other pharmaceutical residues, which can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria in soils. 2124

Tillage, Soil Compaction and Erosion

Mechanical tillage and the use of heavy farm equipment can cause both soil compaction and soil erosion if soils are not managed effectively. Soil compaction is caused by heavy farm machinery use and tilling when soils are too wet; compaction has become an increasing problem as farm equipment has gotten increasingly heavier.26 Compaction leads to poor water absorption and poor aeration which further lead to stunted root growth in plants and smaller yields.27

In agriculture, soil erosion usually refers to topsoil particles wearing away through wind, water and through farming activities, like tillage.28 Erosion is caused by many different factors, but poor soil management, including tilling, can cause significant erosion over time, as can practices such as not planting cover crops in winter and not mulching.29 Tillage erosion can cause both wind and water erosion as poorly-managed soils are more susceptible to both.30

Soil erosion is a problem for several reasons. When topsoil (the portion containing natural nutrients and organic material, which plants need to thrive) is lost, soil fertility is lost. In some cases, this loss causes a change in the structure of agricultural soils, which can, in turn, lead to increased susceptibility to drought.31 Eroded soil can turn into runoff and wash into local waterways, carrying not only soil particles, but any contaminants in that soil (such as synthetic fertilizer and pesticides).32 Wind erosion can cause significant topsoil loss, as well as health problems, property damage, and harm to crops.33 Erosion can also be a cause of flooding, as damaged soil cannot absorb as much water as healthy soil.

Soil Tillage, Climate Change and Soil Carbon Sequestration

Soil stores a tremendous amount of carbon; nearly 80 percent of the carbon in terrestrial ecosystems is in soil.35 Unsustainable agricultural techniques which cause erosion, such as excessive tillage, and which do not improve soil health (e.g., soil microbes and organic matter), hasten the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.36

The Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture for Soil Health

The negative impact of industrial agriculture production (both industrial crop production and industrial animal production) on soil health are many. But an alternative exists. Sustainable agricultural techniques can help build healthy soil, avoiding the need for heavy synthetic fertilizer and pesticide use while protecting natural biodiversity in healthy soil. Here are just some of the major benefits that sustainable agricultural practices have on soil health:

  • Improved carbon sequestration — regenerative agricultural techniques, like cover cropping, can help build soil and sequester carbon. Healthy, carbon-rich soil plays an indispensable role in the fight against climate change.37
  • Improved water retention — healthy soils with high organic matter retain more water. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, “Each 1 percent increase in soil organic matter helps soil hold 20,000 gallons more water per acre.”38
  • Less need for pesticides — healthy plants grown in biologically diverse soil with plenty of microbes are less susceptible (or attractive) to plant pests and better able to defend themselves from attack. 39
  • No need for synthetic fertilizer — using sustainable soil-improvement techniques can eliminate the need for synthetic, fossil-fuel-based fertilizers. For example, amending the soil with plant-based compost and animal manure, green manure and cover cropping, as well as employing crop rotation, can all contribute to building healthier soil.

How Farmers Create Healthy Soils in Sustainable Systems

Regenerative farming techniques are focused on building soil health through ecosystem-centered techniques, like composting and adding animals into their crop rotation practices. This contrasts with the industrial model, which strips soil of nutrients and results in a negative feedback loop that requires more and more inputs, like synthetic fertilizers, over time. Sustainable farmers use many different techniques to create and maintain healthy soil structure, rich in nutrients, in sustainable agricultural systems without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. These techniques include:

  • Crop rotation
  • The use of compost
  • Green manure, cover cropping and mulching
  • No-till or low-till techniques
  • Limited to zero pesticide use and sustainable pest management techniques, such as using buffer zones and beneficial insects
  • Adding animals on pasture/animal manure to farm systems and crop rotation

What You Can Do:

  • Read more about the benefits of sustainable crop production and the techniques farmers use to help build healthy soil.
  • Support farmers working to build healthy soils by shopping locally and buying organic products when you can.

Previous page photo by isavira/Adobe Stock.

Hide References

  1. “Soil Basics | Soil Science Society of America.” Soil Science Society of America, Accessed 19 May 2023.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Herring, Peg. “The Secret Life of Soil.” OSU Extension Service, Jan. 2010,  
  4. Magdoff, Fred, and Harold Van Es. Building Soils for Better Crops: Ecological Management for Healthy Soils. 4th ed., Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2021, SARE,
  5. “Soil Basics | Soil Science Society of America.” Soil Science Society of America, Accessed 19 May 2023.
  6. Magdoff, Fred, and Harold Van Es. Building Soils for Better Crops: Ecological Management for Healthy Soils. 4th ed., Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2021, SARE,
  7. Ibid.
  8. Kerlin, Kat. “Why Insect Pests Love Monocultures, and How Plant Diversity Could Change That.” ScienceDaily, 12 Oct. 2016,
  9. Gupta, Amrita, et al. “Linking Soil Microbial Diversity to Modern Agriculture Practices: A Review.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, no. 5, 7 Mar. 2022, p. 3141,
  10. Lekberg, Ylva, et al. “Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization Consistently Favor Pathogenic over Mutualistic Fungi in Grassland Soils.” Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, 9 June 2021,
  11. Wang, Chao, et al. “Decreasing Soil Microbial Diversity Is Associated with Decreasing Microbial Biomass under Nitrogen Addition.” Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 120, 20 Mar. 2018, pp. 126–133,
  12. Wang, Chao, et al. “Decreasing Soil Microbial Diversity Is Associated with Decreasing Microbial Biomass under Nitrogen Addition.” Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 120, 20 Mar. 2018, pp. 126–133,
  13. Tian, Dashuan, and Shuli Niu. “A Global Analysis of Soil Acidification Caused by Nitrogen Addition.” Environmental Research Letters, vol. 10, no. 2, 20 Feb. 2015, p. 024019,
  14. Eugenio, Natalia  Rodríguez, et al. “Soil Pollution, A Hidden Reality.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2018,
  15. Riyaz, Muzafar, et al. ‘Pesticide Residues: Impacts on Fauna and the Environment’. Biodegradation Technology of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants, IntechOpen, 20 Apr. 2022. Crossref, doi:10.5772/intechopen.98379.
  16. Ibid.  
  17. “The Impact of Glyphosate on Soil Health – Soil Association.” Soil Association , Accessed 6 June 2023.

  18. Hussain, Sarfraz, et al. “Chapter 5 Impact of Pesticides on Soil Microbial Diversity, Enzymes, and Biochemical Reactions.” Advances in Agronomy, vol. 102, 7 May 2009, pp. 159–200,
  19. Komárek, Michael, et al. “Contamination of Vineyard Soils with Fungicides: A Review of Environmental and Toxicological Aspects.” Environment International, vol. 36, no. 1, 13 Nov. 2009, pp. 138–151,
  20. Eugenio, Natalia  Rodríguez, et al. “Soil Pollution, A Hidden Reality.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2018,
  21. Ibid.
  22. Zhang, Haibo, et al. “Residues and Potential Ecological Risks of Veterinary Antibiotics in Manures and Composts Associated with Protected Vegetable Farming.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 22, no. 8, 30 Oct. 2014, pp. 5908–5918,
  23. Eugenio, Natalia  Rodríguez, et al. “Soil Pollution, A Hidden Reality.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2018,
  24. Ibid.  
  25. Magdoff, Fred, and Harold Van Es. Building Soils for Better Crops: Ecological Management for Healthy Soils. 4th ed., Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2021, SARE,
  26. Duiker, Sjoerd  Willem. “Effects of Soil Compaction.” Penn State Extension, 8 Mar. 2005,
  27. Ibid.
  28. Magdoff, Fred, and Harold Van Es. Building Soils for Better Crops: Ecological Management for Healthy Soils. 4th ed., Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2021, SARE,
  29. Ibid.  
  30. Ibid.
  31. Mulvihill, Keith. “Soil Erosion 101.” NRDC, 1 June 2021,
  32. Ibid.
  33. Ibid.
  34. Ontl, T.A., and L.A. Schulte. “Soil Carbon Storage.” The Nature Education Knowledge Project , 2012,
  35. Ibid.
  36. Schwartz , Judith D. “Soil as Carbon Storehouse: New Weapon in Climate Fight?” Yale Environment 360, 4 Mar. 2014,
  37. Ibid.
  38. Bryant, Lara. “Organic Matter Can Improve Your Soil’s Water Holding Capacity.” NRDC, 27 May 2015,
  39. Magdoff, Fred, and Harold Van Es. Building Soils for Better Crops: Ecological Management for Healthy Soils. 4th ed., Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2021, SARE,